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Table 2 Mean absolute value differences among time-series data and concurrently collected dive summary records derived from the 8 exploratory tags

From: Trade-offs in telemetry tag programming for deep-diving cetaceans: data longevity, resolution, and continuity


2.5 min period

5.0 min period

7.5 min period

n dives extracted




Duration (s)

69 (0–1338)

182 (0–1589)

293 (0–1589)

Depth (m), all dives

30 (1–147)

34 (1–147)

43 (1–234)

Depth (m), dives < 33 min

18 (1–95)

21 (1–101)

27 (1–152)

Depth (m), dives > 33 min

81 (2–147)

82 (16–147)

83 (16–234)

  1. Dive summary records include a dive duration calculated from submergence to emergence in air (as measured by a conductivity sensor) and maximum depth of each dive (as measured from an onboard pressure transducer sampled at 1 Hz). Time-series data were recorded at a 2.5-min sampling period and resampled to 5.0- and 7.5-min periods. Values in brackets indicate ranges