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Table 1 Data collection and transmission summaries (CTD_GEN_07B)

From: The generalized data management and collection protocol for Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Satellite Relay Data Loggers

Note: All values that can be changed to accommodate individual experimental needs are enclosed in [square brackets].

Behavioural state definitions

Enter “hauled out” if dry for [10] min, exit if wet for [40] sec.

Enter “diving” if wet and depth is greater than [6] m for [8] sec, exit if depth is less than [6] m for any length of time ([0] sec), or dry at any time.

“At the surface” is the complement of “hauled out” and “diving”. If this state persists, and there is no dive for [9] min, it is called “cruising” and is treated as a separate state. Entry and exit information is stored and transmitted.

Data types

i. Dive record: [30 k] bytes are made available for dives, which are stored in groups of [3]. If we assume average dive duration of [10] min this results in a [6.25] day buffer with capacity for [300] dives.

ii. Haulout and cruise record: [480] bytes each are available for haulouts and cruises. Since only the entry and exit times are stored for haulouts and cruises this means that [30] haulouts and [30] cruises can be stored in the buffer.

iii. Summary record: [680] bytes are made available for [6] hour summaries, which are stored in groups of [3]. This results in a [7.5] day buffer.

iv. CTD or temperature cast record: [5 000] bytes are available for CTD casts which results in a [7.5] day buffer.